We have the most amazing beach for kites at Westward Ho! There are so many different types of kites, ways to use them for fun, we are getting them all together for one day here and having a festival of everything kite related.

Flying sport kites on Northam Burrows in Westward Ho!
Big kites on the beach

The Westward Ho! festival of kites is organised by Peter Sawyer from Westward Ho! Business Association and owner of Kitemare-Surf & Kite shop. We want to encourage experienced flyers to the event to inspire people. Our aim is to get more kites in family's hands and get more people kiting at Westward Ho! 

There will be demonstrations by experts from the different kite disciplines, chance for you to try various kites plus get a few tips from the experts and a free fly kite area that you can fly your own kite here. It will make a wonderful sea of colour and put smiles on faces. What better thing to do than spend some time on our beautiful beach with a kite in your hand. What an awesome time to #visitwestwardho

Want to learn to fly a power kite? 

One of the most popular sections last year was the Learning Zone. Many people joined 514 Elemental Kite School from Westward Ho! plus their team of professional kiters to learn how to fly a kite.

We could see a constant stream of happy, smiling faces returning from this area after finding a new sport!

Not only are Robin and Sukie very, very good at what they do, but, they do it in such a great, fun way it inspires people to go kite flying.

Join them on the day and make Sunday 24th May the day YOU fly a kite. Find out more about learning to Kite Buggy, Landboard or kitesurfing?


10.30am TO 5.00pm
Demos, Free Flying, Instruction, Music and fun. Confirmed-

10.30am TO 5.00pm FREE FLY -

The Westward Ho! Festival Of Kites is all about YOU. We want you to come here and have an amazing time, fly your kites safely and meet other kite enthusiasts too. We are setting out the event area so most of the beach is a free fly area, this year is all about getting people on the beach flying a kite.

11.00am TO 4.30pm LEARNING ZONE -

Join 514 Elemental Kite Sports in the Learning Zone for FREE Power Kite lessons. Why just look at kites? Here is your chance to get hands on and fly a kite in the safe hands of some of the best kite flyers in the Country. Head to the learning zone, book in and you will be flying a kite at the Westward Ho! Festival Of Kites.

Medicare SW first aid cover at the event

We are delighted to announce that Medicare SW will be with us for the Festival Of Kites. They are a local event medical cover specialist and just awesome people.

Even though they are highly trained First Aiders we would prefer they were watching kites and drinking tea! Stay safe boys and girls.

Bideford Coastguard and rescue team attend several of our events here in Westward Ho! They will be at the Festival Of Kites. 

Specialists in cliff, mud and water rescue they will be showing what equipment they carry and be on hand for any questions you may have. This is a brilliant chance to meet the local team members and find out more about the vital role they play around our shorelines.

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